Sunday 14 February 2010

Tough weekend and a podium

I knew it was going to be a shock to the system but the break from the monotony of the last eight weeks invloving six hour training weekends of long slow distance was welcome, even if my weekly hours are down. After doing everything I'd planned for training  in the week I was happy to ditch the three hour Saturday ride for a Time Trial, after all, it is what I train for. Caught the 10.55am Ferry Saturday morning for the 30minute crossing, one crap coffee and a few games of iPod touch Cribbage, the boat docked at Lymington. I guessed at an hour ish' to get to Andover and arrived at the HQ at Vernham Dean at around 12.50 - just enough time to drive the ten mile course. Not a good start - hedge cutter out on the first bend!!! Through the S-bend, out of the village and left turn and up onto Conholt Hill. I had psyched myself up for this hill for three weeks solid and what I was presented with was pretty feeble in all honesty, which was good, cos I didn't need to worry about it any more. After the climb it was pretty much downhill through country lanes to the village of Hatherden, then a sharp turn in to a slightly uphill lane to connect to Wildherne and the start of the second climb - which I hadn't even thought about before the event, but was to find out it was harder than Conholt for all sorts of reasons. After this climb it was twisty downhill to Upton then back into Vernham Dean for the finish.

After collecting my number and getting changed, I noticed that I only had ten minutes spare to warm up, and it was freezing so I hopped on the turbo in the HQ car park, spun the legs for ten minutes then rode up to the start, past the hedge cutter. Fortunately the organisers had moved the start a few hundred meters up the road, meaning the course record was not possible, but it did get us away from racing over bits of hedge. Problem now was that we started right at the foot of Conholt Hill. Well, no probs for me as I love going straight into a climb from the start; I do it twice a day right from where I work. The top of the hill held a prime prize for quickest to the top and if I'm honest I forgot about that but was always going to go for it on the climb anyway, so was quite pleased to find I was second quickest to the top from the thirty riders in a time of 3mins 24secs only ten seconds off the quickest and eventual race winner Tejvan Pettinger and twenty seconds up on Billy Girvan. I think I paid for the effort though as at the top I started to feel sick, my lungs were burning and I swear I could taste blood (a common bike racers myth I believe ;0)). There was also a curious pain in my torso that I imagined a stab wound might feel like. The hill though was followed by a fast, straight downhill, the wind was freezing and I was spinning out on the 54tooth Chainring so must have been shifting. This descent pretty much continued to the turn and before I knew it I was approaching the tight left hander a little too fast and really had to feather the brakes to slow down. It started to get painful again at this point, the stab wound was still there and my lungs felt like they were about to burst; the legs hurt worse than I can remember and suddenly I was into the second climb which was a 'bitch'. Not steep, but long and draggy and I wasn't prepared for it as it looked easy in the car earlier. I had to settle into a steady pace so slowed down a bit, picked a comfortable gear and span up. By the top I was starting to feel ok, finally, but there was only about three miles left, so I had to up the pace again after the twisty descent to Upton, which, actually, brought a hairy moment on a slightly off camber right hander that bent round more than I thought. All I can say is that I'm glad there wasnt an Alps style crevasse on the outside. Once out of Upton it was maybe a mile to the finish on a flat road. Normally I'd be ok on this type of finish but today it hurt. I still managed a small sprint to the line. All in all I felt very scrappy but think I rode ok for the cold weather conditions and the hills. I came 3rd so can't complain. I did lose the advantage I had on Billy at the top of Conholt but only lost a further handful of seconds. Pettinger though was in a class of his own, finishing over a minute and a half clear of Billy Girvan to claim the win. Great ride by Bryce Dyer in 4th, just a handful of seconds behind me. It was nice to meet Bryce, a fellow TT forum member and I admit to being impressed with his ride as I'd always condsidered him a  flat course power-house. Oh well, yet another rival to worry about for 2010.

Pic here:

Tejvan Pettinger
Sri Chinmoy CT
William Girvan
North Hampshire RC

Sean Williams
Wightlink / Offshore RT
Bruce Dyer
Simon Healey
Andover Wheelers
Luke Souter
Banbury Star CC
Robert Watson
North Hampshire RC

Steve Batsford
Banbury Star CC

Roger Hartnell
Andover Wheeleers

Angus MacInnes


  1. good work Sean, makes my 15mins to work along the cycle track seem like a breeze. I must try harder.
    Great report.
    keep them coming and good luck at the next event.

  2. At least it's safe on the cycle track Dave, apart from all the dogs that is.

  3. It was a cold day. Glad the weather is warming up a bit now. It was actually quite nice today. Maybe see you at another race this season.

  4. Hi Tejvan, that race seems like ages ago already and its still petty cold. How did you do today? I saw your name down on the start sheet. One of my mates was riding, haven't heard from him yet.
