Thursday 11 February 2010


Well, that's the bike ready for Saturday. Fortunate really as I seem to recall stripping the Planet X down more than I did back in October after the Blenheim Palace Time Trial. (was that really October, seems like yesterday - and my ribs are still sore at times after the cyclocross rib wrench!!). Found that all I really needed to do was fit the seatpost,  pump the tyres up and get all the dust off from it being up in the loft for months. The biggest chore was fitting the Conti Supersonics to the Mavic's as backup wheels in case it's too windy for the Deep Sections on Saturday afternoon. Not that I'm normally bothered, but it is February and I don't fancy getting blown off on the descents. The Mavic's are fine, the Supesonics, fast but not very durable, so I have fitted some rim tape. Sod the weight, I'm already 75kg so a few extra grammes aren't going to make any difference. It's hardly a drag strip of a course. In fact, I have no idea what the Andover course is like. Hilly, I know that much and I've compared Conholt Hill with  local Culver Down on Google Maps and it doesn't look as bad as Culver. Looks like there may be four or five of us up for the win. Don't know them all but Billy Girvan is last man off; would be great if we can have a close race like we do in Cyclo Cross, and good to see him for the first race of 2010. I see Bryce Dyer and Tjevan Pettinger are there too, so certainly won't be an easy contest, plus a few other names that I have heard of but know nothing about.

Time to sign off for today. Threshold session went ok at lunchtime, cold and windy but not too bad; held the power levels. Going to watch the Tour of Quatar stage then go to bed.


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