Sunday 19 December 2010

It's a Vampire Weekend!

Parkhurst Forest, Isle of Wight -  earlier today
The daylight seems to have been a bit of a problem for me this weekend, I've ventured outside for all of about thirty minutes just to play in the snow on the cross bike, but really I'm supposed to be racing up in Reading. Instead I'm back indoors listening to Vampire Weekend (which is never a bad thing) and typing this. Two mornings in a row, getting out of bed had been an issue and hiding in the dark under the duvet has been preferable. I think the office Christmas party on Friday night may have had something do do with my malaise, but if I'm honest, I don't really like the snow, apart form when I'm riding in it.

There's been a flurry outside now for nearly an hour and I'm thinking that I made right decision not to race, the journey back may not have been much fun. But I still can't help thinking what the race would have been like. It'll be over now and I'll be refreshing pages all afternoon looking for results and pics for a race that may have really shaken things up. I fully expect Keith Sheridan to have made it there as I think he's quite close to the venue. If he did race, then we will now be on an equal amount of races, and unless he messed up big time, his advantage over me could be six or more points which means I will have a hard time in the last two events trying to win the overall. That's racing though, and why I do it! Wouldn't be any fun if it was too easy.

Both of us are still a race off the league leaders  as we have done fewer events, but after the next race on 2nd Jan everyone will  be on a  level, and it looks likely that Keith and I will be at the top, along with Junior Luke Cowley. The three of us have been head to head all season, and Luke must have already wrapped up the junior overall, but that won't stop him trying to make the remaining races even harder for me, so I suppose it's not surprising that the season will likely end as it started. Which one of us will have a better finish to what has been a great season is anyones guess, but if I have anymore weekends like this one; I would hold your bets for now. :0)

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