Sunday 21 June 2015

Island Games Jersey 2015 - #TeamIOW

It feels like an age since I last blogged, despite my best intentions to become a blogger. It's been so long the term blog has probably been superceded with some new cool term that I've failed to grasp, so just like my Veteran status at the Island Games in Jersey next week, my dinosaur attempts at keeping this blog alive may hopefully gain a second wind and win back some of the chutzpah of my heady younger days of hammering the trails, breaking bones and generally hurting myself too much chasing around riders far better than me, and occasionally kicking butt in a desperate attempt to climb onto that ever dwindling three stepped box that we call a podium. I still know what it feels like though :0)

So you have gathered that I'm old now, excuses done. Age won't stop me, and the 2015 Games in Jersey will classify as one one of the biggest events I have ever participated in since starting the crazy sport of Mountain Bike racing back in 1992, when I arrived at the start line of a 250 rider sports class at Blandford Forum on that there mainland wondering just what the heck was going on. I finished 50th that day and was hooked. Now, well over 150 MTB races later, probably more cyclocross races and even more Time Trials (and recently Duathlon and Triathlon) I find myself competing at my second Island Games. The first, 2011 at home went well, could have done better but was pleased, 12th in the Mountain Bike Cross Country and 10th in the MTB crit on courses I had a large part in designing and building. Despite inside knowledge though those races were tough! The standard was way higher than I expected. I hung on in the Crit in the lead group until the last lap with a medal still possible, but the explosion of the last lap was just too much. The XC race was just tough. Enough said. I'm expecting fireworks again this year in Jersey. This time around I think I'm fitter and stronger, four years older yes, but still the right side of 40, for a little longer at least.

These games have slowly edged their way from the back of my mind to the fore, first realised at a cycling bash on Boxing Day 2013 in the Blacksmith's Arms during a boozy conversation with team boss Russell, where I stated my intention to be part of the team for 2015 in whatever capacity. I knew full well I had to keep on top of my fitness, and despite a reduced but still fairly regular programme of MTB races I have felt confident that two, recent, full seasons of winter Cyclocross have kept me on a level footing where grinding the dirt and ploughing through the mud is concerned. The Crit, then, looks like it might well suit my strengths, and the guys on TeamIOW are all strong and punchy, well suited to this style of racing.

First is the XC event, which is all about endurance, built by the hand of the locals from what was apparently overgrown shrubland and looking, in the video anyway, like a bit of a classic style MTB course; not too technical but challenging none the least. Hope the Jerries haven't left any ordanance around otherwise the explosions might actually be literal! This might be interesting. 2.6km and apparently 90mins + 3 laps, Could be two hours which will mean a lot of laps. Good for getting to know the technical lines, but bad when riding sections that hurt. It's going to be one 'Gel' of a day...

Then the Crit on Wednesday evening. We are all used to racing Time Trials this time of day so should be fine, it's in the local park too so hopefully there will be plenty of spectators. Hard to know what to expect.

Park; so plenty of short grass which will mean it'll be fast, plenty of corners which will mean it will feel like cyclocross (maybe I will use my cross wheels??) but.. there are obstacles, apparently, ramps, whoops and crossovers. Short and fast, around an hour, so if its a fun course this will be over quick and be hugely enjoyable for riders and spectators alike, but there will be nowhere to hide, this'll be a lungs in your throat lactic painfest where one mistake will lead a rider into possibly the most torturous chase they will ever experience on two wheels.

So many thoughts going thorough my head right now. I'm not nervous, I can't wait. Just need to chill, de-stress and get on that ferry.

I'm going to name names now and wish all my friends and people I sort of know who are competing in the games the best of luck, and to the whole TeamIOW athletes as a whole. Hey, I may be one of the oldest competitors so, a special good luck to all the old timers ;0) TeamIOW

Good Luck to:

Adam Holleyman (Mountain Bike)
Tim Wiggins (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)
Stu Waite (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)
Sam Baker (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)
James Ebdon (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)
Martin Sanders (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)
Matt Allsop (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)
Ian Hayden (Mountain Bike and Road Cycling)

Mandy Womack (Triathlon)
Jess Gray (Triathlon)
Mary Norman (Triathlon)
Natalie Bee (Triathlon MTB and Road Cycling)

Sarah Woods (MTB and Time Trial)
Faye Faber (Road Cycling and Time Trial)
Sophie Stevens (MTB)
Hollie Dowling (Road Cycling)
Angela Green (MTB)

Stuart Dyer (Triathlon)
Daron Perkins (Triathlon)
Adam Tuck (Triathlon)
Connor Ambrosini (Triathlon)
Dave Sweet (Triathlon)
Jack Grundy (Triathlon)

Sarah Kavanagh (Half Marathon)
Paul Cameron (Half Marathon)
Julie King (Half Marathon)